Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Temuan2 Virus Baru Di Bulan Juni

Di bulan juni ini, telah ditemukan beberapa virus komputer yang sudah muncul. Berikut adalah virus-virus baru yang terdeteksi dan menyerang beberapa komputer di dunia yang telah diluncurkan oleh symantec, mcafee dan trandmicro. Bagi anda yang menggunakan sistem MSWindows, alangkah baiknya untuk selalu mengupdate anti virus anda setiap hari.

Virus ini termasuk virus yang paling berbahaya. Ditemukan tanggal 8 Juni ini, dengan file W32.Stayt.A.
Virus ini akan mendownload file-file dikomputer anda dari tempat lain.

Ditemukan pada tanggal 6 Juni. Menyebar lewat email dan instant messages. Virus ini akan mengkopi isi/data harddisk anda.

Virus ini agak unik, dia akan meng-script file yang ada di komputer, sehingga file-file anda akan terkunci.

Virus ini ditemukan tanggal 5 Juni, akan menginstall software di komputer anda, dan image yang muncul di browser anda akan diganti menjadi –, alias tidak tampak.

Virus ini akan men-redirect url yang anda akses. Virus ini pun ditemukan tanggal 5 Juni.

Virus yang ditemukan tanggal 5 Juni ini akan memanfaatkan security hole di komputer anda, dan menggunakan hole itu untuk illegal action.

Virus ini ditemukan oleh mcafee tanggal 4 Juni. Mempunyai software trojan yang akan diinstal di komputer yang terinfeksi.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Top Shareware Antivirus (Versi Softpedia)

Di Indonesia antivirus ini sangat populer. Perusahaan swasta atau kantor-kantor pemerintah juga banyak memakai antivirus ini secara legal. Daftar antivirus di bawah ini diurutkan berdasarkan popularitas di Softpedia.

1. Norton AntiVirus 2008 (NAV)
Norton Antivirus 2008 menawarkan perlindungan terhadap virus, spyware, trojan, hack tool, email scanner, Instant Message Scanner, worm dan script blocking.

2. Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal
Kaspersky Anti-Virus dapat mendeteksi virus, behavior blocker, dan integrity checker. Dilengkali perlindungan terhadap trojan, adware, dan worm.

3. ESET NOD32 Antivirus (NOD)
ESET NOD32 Antivirus melindungi komputer dari virus, trojan, dan worm. NOD32 dikenal cepat dan men-scan dan tidak memberatkan system.

4. McAfee VirusScan 2007
McAfee VirusScan memberikan proteksi 3 in 1, yaitu mendeteksi dan membersihkan virus, memblok spyware, dan mencegah hacker menyerang sistem Anda.

5. Panda Antivirus 2008
Panda Antivirus 2008 merupakan software antivirus yang dilengkapi feature anti spyware, anti phising, anti rootkit, dan website scanner.

6. Sophos Anti-Virus
Sophos Anti-Virus memberikan proteksi terhadap virus, spyware, trojan, worm, dan adware pada komputer Anda, network, dan remote laptop.

7. Trend Micro AntiVirus plus AntiSpyware 2008
Trend Micro AntiVirus plus AntiSpyware merupakan software anti virus, anti trojan, anti spyware, ditambah feature deleted file recovery.

8. Microworld Anti Virus & Spyware Toolkit Utility
Microworld Anti Virus & Spyware Toolkit Utility merupakan antivirus dan antispyware yang portable sehingga bisa dicopy di USB flashdisk, tidak perlu diinstall, tinggal download dan scan.

Top Freeware Antivirus (Versi Softpedia)

Daftar antivirus gratis ini diurutkan berdasarkan popularitas di Softpedia.

1. Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic
Avira menawarkan software anti virus yang lengkap dan gratis. Software ini juga dilengkapi perlindungan terhadap virus, trojans, backdoor program, worm, dan lain-lain.

2. AVG Free Edition
AVG dilengkapi dengan resident shield, email scanner, anti virus/trojan. Tidak berat dijalankan di komputer.

3. PCclear Antispyware with Free Antivirus
PCclear Antispyware with Free Antivirus merupakan software anti virus gratis yang dilengkapi dengan anti spyware, active X & registry protection, dan history sweeping.

4. Avast Home Edition
Avast Home Edition menawarkan anti virus, worm, trojan, boot time scanner, feature screen saver scaner membuat antivirus ini dapat bekerja sebagai screen saver.

5. Gucup Antivirus (GAV)
Gucup antivirus mampu men-scan virus dan malware. Dapat mendeteksi virus dalam ZIP atau RAR file. Buatan Universitas AtmaJaya Yogyakarta Indonesia.

6. BitDefender Free Edition
BitDefender adalah antivirus gratis yang juga anti spyware yang menawarkan update setiap jam.

7. RemoveIT Pro
RemoveIT Pro adalah anti virus gratis yang juga mendeteksi dan menghilangkan Spyware, Malware, Worm, Trojan dan Adware.

8. Comodo AntiVirus
Comodo AntiVirus menawarkan proteksi tehadap antivirus dilengkapi anti spyware, trojan, dan malware yang lain. Ditambah feature email scanning dan worm blocker.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Avira Merilis Antivirus Versi Baru

Pada tanggal 15 April 2008 yang lalu Avira mengumumkan bahwa Avira telah merilis antivirus versi barunya dengan Engine Virus Scanner baru AntiVir Scan Engine 8.
Versi terbaru ini sudah tidak dinamakan dengan PersonalEdition Classic namun Avira Antivir Personal.
Selain itu Engine versi baru ini dapat meningkatkan performance sampai 20 % dan tampilan dengan GUI (Graphical User Interface).
Fasilitas tambahan di versi ini antara lain;
  • GUI
  • Meningkatkan performance hingga 20 %
  • Proses update lebih mudah
  • Failsafe System yang memberikan proteksi (meskipun proses update gagal)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Panduan Mengais Dallar$

Anda bisa mengumpulkan Dollar menit ini juga, Gratis Dan bedanya, disini Cukup Sekali KLIK, maka secara otomatis Browser Anda bekerja berjam-jam sesuka Anda untuk mengumpulkan Dollar Anda. Anda dapat menghentikannya kapan Anda suka. Dan inilah cara agar biaya aktifitas internetan Anda tergantikan. Karena Anda bisa membiarkan Auto Surf jalan terus selama anda main internet, dan dapat Dollar, Program ini membayar Surfing Internet anda $0.45 per jam sampai $0.75 per jam atau lebih.
Ikuti petunjuk berikut ini,
klik Kemudian,
1. Klik SIGN UP
2. Username : Isi sesuai keinginan Anda
3. Password : Isi sesuai keinginan Anda
4. Verifi Password : Ketikan Ulang Password Anda tadi
5. Email Address : Masukan alamat email Anda
6. Date Of Birth : Masukan Tanggal lahir Anda
7. Check atau klik di tengah kotak "I have read and agree to the terms of service"
8. Klik SIGN ME UP! dan tunggu sebentar, maka Anda akan dibawa ke Form isian berikutnya. 9. First Name : Nama Depan Anda
10. Last Name : Nama Belakang Anda
11. Street Address : Alamat Anda
12. City : Kota Anda
13. State : Pilih OTHER
14. Zip Code : Kode Pos
15. Country : Pilih Indonesia
16. Province : Provinsi
17. Lalu Klik "Everything Look Good!" Kemudian tunggu sebentar maka Account Anda selesai dibuat. Kini Anda bisa langsung mengumpulkan Dollar, Silakan Login ke member area dengan memasukkan Username dan Password Anda dan jangan Log Out selama Anda Surfing Otomatis. Setelah selesai, ingat selalu untuk Log Out. Untuk kemudahan pengiriman Dollar, saya sarankan pakai E-Gold untuk mengumpulkan Dollar Anda. Silakan masukkan dulu No Account E-Gold Anda di menu OPTION, Jika Anda belum memilikinya Silakan daftar gratis, Lihat petunjuk dibawah! Anda bisa mulai mengumpulkan Dollar saat itu juga dengan Klik Menu EARN MONEY di member area. Kemudian Klik "Click Here to Start the Surf Junky browser!" Maka halaman iklan sponsor pertama akan terbuka, biarkan> > saja> > berjam-jam selama Anda mau karena akan bekerja> secara> > otomatis> > membuka> > halaman iklan berikutnya.> > Dari sinilah Dollar akan secara otomatis anda> > kumpulkan dan akan> > masuk> > ke Account E-Gold setiap mencapai $25. Anda bisa> kapan> > saja periksa> > perolehan Dollar hasil pengumpulan Anda di menu> > Statistic.> > Agar Dollar Anda cepat terkumpul, ajaklah teman> atau> > kenalan anda> > untuk> > melakukan yang sama dengan Anda, ajak mereka> bergabung> > melalui> > Website> > Duplikasi Anda. Dan selalu promosikan URL Anda> > tersebut agar Dollar> > Anda lebih cepat lagi terkumpul. URL Anda bisa> dilihat> > di member> > Area> > dengan tulisan "Your referral link:> > http://www.surfjunk> > Link itulah yang anda iklankan agar anda dapat> > persentase dari> > jumlah> > Dollar yang dikumpulkan Downline Anda sampai> kedalaman> > 3 level.> > Selamat Bergabung !!!> > ------------ --------- --------- ---------> ---------> > --------- -> > Jika anda belum memiliki rekening di e-gold,> silahkan> > bikin terlebih> > dahulu, GRATIS.!> > Rekening ini akan dipakai untuk mengumpulkan> > pundi-pundi dollar yang> > telah anda kumpulkan.> > Cara bikin account egold:> > 1. Klik:> http://www.e- e-gold.asp? cid=3693160> > 2. Create an account> > 3. Klik agree> > 4. Account Name: Nama Lengkap> > 5. Description: Kosongkan saja> > 6. Additional Description: Kosongkan saja> > 7. User Name: Ketik nama alias atau samaran anda> (min> > 6 digit)> > 8. Description: Kosongkan sajaNew e-gold Account Passphrase klik bulat disampingnya trus akan muncul link baru dan klik password pilihan anda> > 9. Alternate Passphrase (Payment verification> use):> > isian harus sama> > dengan New e-gold Account Passphrase yg telah> dibuat> > di No.10 --> > andaEiiiiiitttt.....tunggu dulu jangan lupakan yang satu ini...... klo kamu mo surfing baiknya memakai Browser netscape biar acara surfing-nya lancarkarena klo pake Mozilla dia gak mau surfing..... jadi klo belum punya yah download aja dulu Browser-nya di sini : download instal langsung...............kemudian browse ke link anda.....Klo udah berhasil.............jangan lupa daftar disini buat nyairin duitnya.......tinggal ikutin aja petunjuknya............ Buat account Indochanger (gratis*)Membuat account Indochanger1. atau di anda akanmenuju Indochanger2. Klik pada sebelah kanan atas terdapat kata "Daftar disini"3. Isi data anda dengan benar, ikuti petunjuk yang diberikan kemudian klik submit.Penjelasan yang diberikan cukup mudah karena dengan bahasa indonesia yang mudah dimengerti.Jika anda sudah memiliki account di indochanger maka anda siap untuk menjual e-gold anda.1. anda akanmenuju Indochanger.2. Login ke indocharger (masukkan user dan password anda), lalu klik login.3. Pilih jual e-gold (menu ada disebelah kiri atas).4. Masukkan jumlah e-gold yang ingin anda jual (dalam dollar).5. Ikuti langkah-langkah yang diberikan.6. Cek rekening anda. konfirmasi akan diberikan pada e-mail anda oleh indochanger.Mau yang lebih enak lagi......... tinggal baca email dapet duit.....Daftar di bawah ini... hari bergabung langsung deh ditransfer dollarnya ke account E-gold kitaKalo masalah cara mainnya ntar disambung lagi yah...... Maklum mo pulang dulu dah sore nih.....Oh iya buat informasi aja ........ saya baru 2 hari bergabung di rekening egold saya udah $10 .....coba hitung kalo dalam sebulan ada 25 hari.....mmmmmmm 25 kali $5 wah... lumayan $125dikalikan kurs yang berlaku saat ini $1= Rp.9175 dikalikan 125 = Rp.1.1476.875 He...he...he....Buat beli hardware lumayan lah...Selamat Mencoba yah.....Klo ada yang mo ditanyakan jangan sungkan2 ...... Email aja langsung ....... Saya selalu On-line

Thursday, April 24, 2008

10 Virus Teratas di Tahun 2008

Serangan dan produksi virus lokal sepertinya mulai melemah. Terbukti, di periode ini, jumlah virus kiriman pembaca dan laporan - laporan mengenai penyebaran virus mulai berkurang, namun kita harus selalu tetap waspada.

Tren virus kali ini sepertinya mengarah kepada virus jenis VBScript. Laporan penyebaran virus jenis script ini lebih banyak jika dibandingkan jenis virus biasa yang sudah dikenal dalam bentuk executable. Berikut daftar selengkapnya:

1. Gen.VirVBS.vbs
Virus ini dihasilkan oleh sebuah program Virus Generator yang dinamakan Vir.VBS Generator oleh pembuatnya. Program ini dibuat menggunakan Visual Basic. Ukuran dari program tersebut cukup kecil, sekitar 64.512 bytes dalam keadaan terkompresi menggunakan UPX. Generator ini mengklaim dirinya dapat menghasilkan virus jenis VBScript yang memiliki beberapa kemampuan seperti stealth, encryption, time-bomb bahkan polymorphic. Virus yang dihasilkan sudah cukup banyak dan terbukti menyebar, maka tidak heran ia menduduki peringkat pertama di 10 virus teratas periode kali ini.

2. ForrisWaitme
Virus yang dibuat dengan Visual Basic ini menggunakan icon mirip folder standar Windows untuk melakukan penyamarannya. Beberapa ulahnya adalah menukar fungsi tombol mouse kiri dengan kanan, menghilangkan menu Folder Options, membuat file pesan “baca saya.txt” pada drive terinfeksi, dan masih ada yang lainnya.

3. Kalong.vbs
Dibuat menggunakan VBScript (.vbs). Selain menciptakan file autorun.inf pada flash disk agar dapat running otomatis, caption dari Internet Explorer pun akan diubah menjadi “:: X2 ATTACK ::” saat terinfeksi virus ini. Selain itu, pada saat logon, Windows akan menampilkan kotak informasi yang bertuliskan “KOMPUTER ANDA ADA KEYBOARDNYA!!”.

4. Pray
Virus lokal ini dibuat menggunakan Visual Basic. Kami mendapati 2 varian dari virus ini, untuk varian Pray.A tidak memiliki icon, sementara untuk varian Pray.B menggunakan icon mirip Windows Explorer. Jika komputer terinfeksi oleh virus ini, saat penunjuk waktu di komputer tersebut menunjukan pukul 05:15, 13:00, 16:00, 18:30, dan atau 19:45, virus ini akan menampilkan pesan yang mengingatkan user untuk melakukan shalat.

5. Discusx.vbs
Virus VBScript yang satu ini, memiliki ukuran sekitar 4.800 bytes. Dia akan mencoba menginfeksi di beberapa drive di komputer Anda, termasuk drive flash disk, yang jika terinfeksi akan membuat file autorun.inf dan System32.sys.vbs pada root drive tersebut. Selain itu, ia pun akan mengubah caption dari Internet Explorer menjadi “.::Discus-X SAY MET LEBARAN! [HAPPY LEBARAN ?!]::.”.

6. SangPerawan
Virus ini dapat mengakibatkan file .jpg Anda tidak bisa dibuka, karena virus ini akan meng-append file .jpg yang ditemukannya ke dalam tubuh sang virus. Ia dibuat dengan Visual Basic, dengan ukuran sekitar 98.304 bytes tanpa di-compress. Isi field Description pada Version Information virus ini terdapat kalimat “Untuk semua orang yang tak pernah menghargai aku”.

7. TQ.vbs
Dibuat menggunakan VBScript (.vbs). Ia menciptakan file autorun.inf yang sudah dirancangnya pada flash disk, sehingga dapat running otomatis saat mengakses drive flash disk. Pada caption Internet Explorer akan terdapat tulisan “Hacked by Zay” atau pada varian lain “Hacked by Godzilla”. Dan pada System Propertis komputer korban, informasi Registered Owner akan menjadi “r4n694-24y”, dan untuk Registered Organization akan menjadi “Don’t Panic, System anda sudah kami ambil alih !”.

8. SlowButSure.vbs
Dibuat menggunakan VBScript (.vbs). Ia menciptakan file autorun.inf yang sudah dirancangnya pada flash disk, sehingga dapat running otomatis saat mengakses drive flash disk. Pada caption Internet Explorer akan terdapat tulisan “Hacked by Zay” atau pada varian lain “Hacked by Godzilla”. Dan pada System Propertis komputer korban, informasi Registered Owner akan menjadi “r4n694-24y”, dan untuk Registered Organization akan menjadi “Don’t Panic, System anda sudah kami ambil alih !”.

9. Tati
Virus sederhana berbasis script, dibuat menggunakan AutoHotKey, program semacam automation script. Tidak menggunakan teknik yang canggih-canggih. Hanya berkamuflase dengan menggunakan icon mirip folder standar Windows. Pada root drive komputer terinfeksi, akan terdapat file teks yang berisi pesan dari si pembuat virus dengan nama

10. Stargate
Dibuat menggunakan Visual Basic. Menggunakan icon mirip folder standar Windows untuk menyamar. Ia dapat menyebar melalui flash disk ataupun jaringan (network) melalui sharing folder. Virus ini menghalalkan segala cara agar ia dapat bertahan hidup selama-lamanya di komputer korban, diantaranya dengan mem-bypass beberapa aplikasi bawaan Windows seperti Registry Editor, Command Prompt, dan juga beberapa program antivirus. Pada komputer terinfeksi, akan terdapat banyak sekali file duplikat dari si virus, bahkan beberapa icon aplikasi di Start Menu pun akan berubah menjadi icon folder karena ulah virus ini.

Sumber :

Tahun 2008 Serangan Virus Semakin Menggila !

Contributed by farisi andri suminar

CiscoR terbitkan laporan tahunan pertamanya tentang situasi keamanan global. Laporan ini menitikberatkan pada risiko
dan tantangan-tantangan yang semakin banyak dihadapi bisnis, organisasi, pemerintah, dan konsumen.

Laporan ini juga berisi ramalan ancaman keamanan di tahun 2008 dan rekomendasi dari praktisi-praktisi keamanan Cisco, seperti Chief Security Officer John Stewart dan Vice President of Customer Assurance and Security Programs, Dave Goddard. Temuan-temuan laporan ini memperkuat fakta bahwa ancaman dan serangan-serangan keamanan telah menjadi lebih global dan canggih. Seiring dengan peningkatan adopsi perangkat-perangkat, aplikasi-aplikasi, dan
metode-metode komunikasi yang terhubung dengan IP, peluang-peluang untuk serangan juga meningkat. Tren-tren ini membuka sebuah babak baru dalam sejarah ancaman keamanan dan metodologi keamanan.

Sementara itu, bertahun-tahun lalu, virus dan worm (Code Red, Nimda, dan lain-lain) merusak sistem-sistem komputer dan menjadi terkenal. Seiring dengan peningkatan adopsi Internet dan e-commerce, gabungan-gabungan ancaman (serangan-serangan phishing dengan spam, botnet, dll) berevolusi dengan tujuan mencuri uang dan informasi pribadi. Pendekatan "stealth-and-wealth" ini kemudian berevolusi menjadi sebuah fenomena dunia yang secara teratur berisi
lebih dari satu kategori risiko.

Stewart menyatakan, keamanan informasi sudah tidak lagi merupakan sebuah perang melawan virus atau spam. Ada banyak faktor-faktor legal, identitas, dan geopolitik. Misalnya, pencurian identitas di toko-toko terkemuka dan serangan denial-of-service baru-baru ini yang katanya dilakukan atas dasar motivasi politik oleh hacker-hacker di Russia ke tetangganya, Estonia, tahun lalu. Serangan cyber ini, disebabkan oleh kemarahan akan keputusan pemerintah Estonia
untuk memindahkan sebuah monumen perang era Soviet dari sebuah taman dengan menutup banyak situs Web pemerintah Estonia.

Serangan virus semakin menggila. Para ahli keamanan bahkan meramalkan hingga akhir tahun 2008 nanti, jumlah virus yang gentayangan akan mencapai angka satu juta.

Para pencipta malware memang seolah tak pernah kehabisan akal untuk terus berkreasi dengan virus-virus jenis baru. Paul Ducklin, kepala teknologi di perusahaan keamanan Sophos mengungkapkan ada sekitar 25 persen malware telah diciptakan dalam enam bulan terakhir.

Sementara itu, Jari Heinonen, Vice President Asia Pasific F-Secure, menyebutkan ada sekitar 25 ribu malware yang beredar setiap harinya.

Para pembuat malware terus mengirimkan serangan yang berbeda karena kalangan bisnis dan para pengguna PC (komputer) mulai rajin meng-update sistem keamanannya selama kurun waktu lima tahun terakhir ini. Jumlah attachment e-mail yang terinfeksi pun berkurang. Dulu dalam 40 e-mail ada satu email yang terinfeksi. Sekarang hanya ada satu yang terinfeksi dalam 1.000 email.

Para cracker terus berusaha menyiasati hal ini. Mereka menyusupkan virus ke dalam situs-situs dan melakukan penyamaran. Walhasil, para pengunjung tidak menyadari bahwa bahaya mengintai mereka lewat situs-situs yang mereka kunjungi, hingga akhirnya mereka pun terinfeksi virus.
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Generated: 25 April, 2008, 03:24

Friday, February 8, 2008

Avira AntiVir® Personal Edition Classic

Free virus protection for Windows 2000/XP/Vista 32Bit and 64Bit and for Linux/FreeBSD/Solaris.
Free anti-virus software for Windows, Linux, Free BSD and Solaris. Detects and removes more than 50,000 viruses. Free support.
Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic is a reliable free antivirus solution, that constantly and rapidly scans your computer for malicious programs (such as viruses, Trojans, backdoor programs, hoaxes, worms, dialers etc.), monitoring every action executed by the user or by the operating system and being able to react promptly when a malicious program is detected. Actions include repair, delete, block, rename and quarantine programs or files. Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic is a comprehensive, easy to use antivirus program, designed to offer reliable free of charge virus protection to home-users only.
Version adds support for Windows Vista 64 Bit edition.
by avira

Friday, February 1, 2008


Comodo Firewall

Comodo Firewall, rated by PC Magazine Online as an Editor's Choice, constantly monitors and defends your PC from internet attacks. It's easy to install and use and passes the industry's most stringent firewall "leak" tests. Unlike some other 'free' firewalls, this is not a stripped down version but is the full, completely functional product. This free solution comes complete with continual updates that are free forever!

Comodo Verification Engine

VerificationEngine anti-phishing and identity assurance tool for Microsoft Windows offers an extremely simple way to differentiate legitimate web sites from fraudulent ones. Place your mouse cursor over a site logo. If it is authentic, a green border will appear around your browser. So if you really wish to be sure you are looking at the real site rather than a clever imitation created to steal your identity, install VerificationEngine now!

Comodo Anti-Malware

The Best to stop and remove *rootkits* in real time. Stop spambots, hijackers & keyloggers. Stop identity thieves from getting personal information. Instantly detects well over 1,000,000 unique, variant and repack malware in total.

Comodo AntiSpam

Install Comodo AntiSpam for free and reclaim your inbox. Our powerful challenge-response technology authenticates the sender of every mail – a system that automated spam bots can’t get around. This is the full product, not stripped down ‘cripple ware’ and is free forever to the end user.

Comodo AntiVirus

Eliminates Viruses, Worms and Trojans from Windows XP and Windows 2000 computers.
Features on-demand & on-access scanning, email scanning, process monitoring, worm blocking, full scheduling capabilities and more.
It's easy to install and configure; will not slow down your PC by hogging system resources and the full program is free for life to the end user.

Comodo iVault

iVault saves time by providing instantaneous logins to any username/password secured web pages such as online banking and email account sites. It also doubles up as a 256 bit secure storage for private and confidential information such as credit card details and social security numbers and protects against the very latest key-logging Trojan Horse viruses.

Comodo Backup

Comodo Backup allows users to quickly and easily create backup copies of critical files. Free of charge, it includes complete file and folder-duplication to local network drives and FTP servers, intelligent incremental backups, e-mail reporting, extensive report logs, real time back ups with “synchronization” mode, advanced rule-based filtering, flexible scheduling, space-saving archiving capabilities, and more.

Comodo Memory Firewall

Comodo Memory Firewall is a buffer overflow detection and prevention tool which provides the ultimate defence against one of the most serious and common attack types on the Internet - the buffer overflow attack. Comodo Memory Firewall protects against data theft, computer crashes and system damage by preventing most types of buffer overflow attacks.

by comodo

McAfee FreeScan

McAfee FreeScan helps you detect thousands of viruses on your computer. Based on the award-winning McAfee VirusScan engine, FreeScan searches for viruses, including the latest known "in the wild" viruses, and displays a detailed list of any infected files. Should viruses be found, FreeScan even provides links to more information about the viruses and what you can do to clean your system. Scan Now

Thursday, January 31, 2008


BitDefender offers you the possibility to download everything from product evaluation versions , white papers, to free virus removal tools, and more. Please use the links below in order to select what you need to download.


Monday, January 21, 2008

Vista Compatible ClamWin Free Antivirus Released

Our team is happy to announce the first release compatible with Microsoft Windows Vista. This release also updates ClamAV engine and adds some improvements:
  • New ClamAV engine version 0.92 significantly improves database loading time and scanning speed
  • MS Windows UI themes are now supported
  • Temporary file cleanup has been improved
  • Other bug fixes and improvements.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Panda ActiveScan Pro --> Free Online Scan

Online disinfection of all types of viruses, spyware and other Internet threats

Detects and eliminatesmore than 110,000 viruses. Detects and eliminates other malicious code, including spyware and dialers. Always up-to-date. Operates directly from your browser. Email Tech Support.

"... this online solution has achieved independent verification that it achieves these demanding, industry recognized standards." West Coast Labs. UK.

ActiveScan Pro is a powerful online security solution that scans your computer for viruses, spyware and other Internet threats at a click..

ActiveScan Pro is always up-to-date and can therefore detect even the very latest malicious code. These are just some of its key features:

  • Detects and eliminates more than 110,000 viruses, worms and Trojans.
  • Detects and eliminates other malicious code, including spyware (that compromises confidential data) or dialers (that silently connect to premium rate numbers without your permission).
  • As well as detecting malicious code in the memory of the computer, it also looks for these threats in e-mail messages and compressed files.
  • Option to remove commercial spyware detected: Activescan Pro includes the option to configure the so called commercial spyware (subgroup of hacking tools) to be removed through a checkbox that will be disabled by default. This software will only be deleted if the user configures it to be removed.
  • Updates automatically at least once a day.
  • Operates online directly from your browser. You don't need to install any software on your computer, simply automatically download the ActiveX control.
This solution is also available as multiple licenses with telephone tech support included.
Scan your PC now

by panda

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Kaspersky Online Virus Scanner

Take the Kaspersky Challenge: See what your current antivirus is missing.

Our free online virus scanner is a great way to find out if you have any viruses or spyware on your machine without having to uninstall your current antivirus software or install a new one. Most importantly, you can see what viruses your current antivirus software let slip through! You just need to be online and using Internet Explorer.

Kaspersky Online Virus Scanner uses Microsoft ActiveX technologies to scan your computer for malicious code and offers the same exceptional detection rates as other Kaspersky Lab products.

This free online virus scanner is very powerful and scans your machine very deeply, so it could take hours to complete. We suggest running it during a time of low activity. Take the Kaspersky Challenge and see what malware your current antivirus software missed - you may be surprised.

NOTE: The online virus scanner will not remove the malware from your machine if it finds it - installing our software is required to do this. You can try our antivirus software (full product) for FREE by downloading and installing a
free trial, or you can purchase our products in the estore.

If you discover a suspicious file on your PC, or suspect that a program you downloaded from the Internet might contain malicious code, you can check the files using the free
Kaspersky File Scanner. Using Kaspersky® Anti-Virus technology, any file you send to Kaspersky Lab will be checked for viruses, Trojans, spyware or other malicious code.

by kaspersky

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition

PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition will thoroughly scan and protect your PC from virus attacks.

With PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition you are protected against the most nefarious cyber-threats attempting to gain access to your PC and personal information. Going online without protection against the latest fast-spreading virus and worms, such as Netsky, Mytob and MyDoom, can result in infections within minutes.

Once infected, the virus will usually attempt to spread itself to your friends, family and associates by accessing your email contacts and networked PCs. The infection may also allow hackers to access files on your PC, use it to launch attacks against other computers and websites or to send mass SPAM email.

That's why PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition provides world-leading protection, with rapid database updates, IntelliGuard™ real-time protection and comprehensive system scanning to ensure your system remains safe and virus free. PC Tools products are trusted and used by millions of people everyday to protect their home and business computers against online threats.

PC Tools AntiVirus Free Edition feature highlights

  • Protects your PC as you are working, surfing and playing
  • Detects, quarantines, disinfects and destroys Viruses, Trojans and Worm
  • IntelliGuard™ protects your computer against threats in real-time
  • Automatically checks for frequent updates against the latest threats
  • Best of all it's FREE. No catches, limitations or time-limits
Download PC Tools Antivirus Free edition Now!

Download the free version now and discover why people are switching to PC Tools AntiVirus.

Current Version:
November 21, 2007

Size: 13,018 KB
Platforms: Designed for Windows® Vista™, XP and 2000

by PC Tools

Free antivirus - avast! 4 Home Edition

avast! 4 Home Edition is a full-featured antivirus package designed exclusively for home users and non-commercial use. Both of these conditions should be met! Our company offers the Home Edition free of charge, since, in our
opinion, it is possible to avoid global virus spreading by efficient prevention; however, many users are not able to or do not want to pay for antivirus software. This page will show you the most important features of this program.

Institutions (even non-commercial ones) are not allowed to use avast! Home Edition. However, ALWIL Software provides the full line of avast! antivirus products at special discount prices for non-profit, charity, educational and government institutions. Please see our price lists for details.

The latest version of this program is 4.7.

Antivirus Kernel

The latest version of avast! antivirus kernel features outstanding detection abilities, together with high performance. You can expect 100% detection of In-the-Wild viruses (viruses already spreading between users) and excellent detection of Trojan horses.

The kernel is certified by ICSA; and frequently takes part in the tests of Virus Bulletin magazine, often yielding the VB100 award.

The avast! engine also features outstanding unpacking support. It can scan inside the following archives: ARJ, ZIP, MIME (+ all associated formats), MAPI (Outlook pst files), DBX (Outlook Express archives), RAR, TAR, GZIP, CAB, BZIP2, ZOO, ACE, ARC, LHA/LHX, TNEF (winmail.dat), CPIO, CHM, RPM, ISO, 7ZIP and SIS. It also supports a number of executable packers (such as PKLite, Diet, UPX, ASPack, PeShield, FSG, MEW etc.).

Last, but not least, it can also scan for viruses hidden in Alternate data streams on NTFS volumes.

Simple User Interface

The Simple User Interface is used to start on-demand scanning, work with the results and change various options. Basic resident protection settings can be modified here.

The Simple User Interface is the main application of avast! 4 Home Edition. You can start additional avast! modules from here, such as the Virus Chest, Updater or Log Viewer.

The appearance of the Simple User Interface is very flexible. It supports so-called skins, allowing users to change the appearance of the application interface. The main package contains three skins, with additional skins available from our web pages.

Standard resident Protection

Resident protection (the real-time protection of the operating system), is one of the most important parts of an antivirus program today. avast! features a powerful resident module that is able to detect a virus before it has any chance to infect your computer.

avast! Home Edition contains resident protection of the computer file system and a resident module for e-mails and news.

File system protection ensures that no virus will be started on the computer. It offers a wide range of settings, such as the possibility to specify that files will be scanned during copying, or that the scanning will include files with given set of extensions only.

E-mail/News protection consists of two independent modules; first, there is a generic scanner working on the SMTP/POP3/IMAP4/NNTP protocol level. It is capable of protecting any existing e-mail client that uses these protocols. Second, there is a special plugin for MS Outlook only; the mail scanning is completely transparent, requiring no special settings.

A new feature of version 4 is heuristic analysis of e-mail scanners. This feature can protect against new, unknown viruses and worms that are not possible to detect by the usual means. The heuristic module performs a thorough investigation of every e-mail message and watches for suspicious signs, that might announce virus presence. When the number of those signs exceeds a user-defined level, the message is considered dangerous and the user is warned.

P2P and IM Shields

Avast features a module for the protection of IM (Instant Messaging, "chat") programs, and a module for the protection of P2P (peer-to-peer) programs. The list of supported IM and P2P programs is extensive with more than 30 programs currently supported.

While chat itself would not impose any serious security risks in terms of viruses, today's IM applications are far from being just chatting tools: most of them support more or less sophisticated file sharing methods - which may quite easily lead to virus infections, if not properly monitored.

The P2P protection module doesn't need much explanation - on today's P2P networks (such as Kazaa) there are thousands of infected files, and an effective protection is a must.

Network Shield

A new resident protection module was added to avast! 4.5: the Network Shield. This module provides protection against known Internet worms/attacks. It analyses all network traffic and scans it for malicious contents. It can be viewed as a lightweight firewall (or more precisely, an IDS (Intrusion Detection System)).

The Network Shield is only available on NT-based systems (Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista).

Web Shield

Web Shield is a unique feature of avast! that enables it to monitor and filter all HTTP traffic coming from the Web sites on the Internet. Since an increasing number of viruses (and other malware, such as adware, spyware and dialers) are being distributed via the World Wide Web, the need for an effective countermeasures has also increased. The Web Shield acts as a transparent HTTP proxy and is compatible with all major web browsers, including Microsoft Internet Explorer, FireFox, Mozilla and Opera.

Unlike most competitive solutions, Web Shield's impact on browsing speed is almost negligible. This is because of a unique feature called "Intelligent Stream Scan" that lets the Web Shield module scan objects on-the-fly, without the need of caching them locally. Stream scanning is performed in operating memory only (without the necessity to flush the contents to disk), providing maximum possible throughput rates.

Automatic Updates

Automatic updates are another need in virus protection. Both the virus database and the program itself can be updated automatically. The updates are incremental, with only new or missing data downloaded: thus reducing the transfer heavily. The typical size of a virus database update are tens of KB; program updates are typically in the hundreds of KB range.

If your Internet connection is persistent, the updates are performed completely automatically at fixed time intervals. If you connect to the Internet only occasionally, avast! watches your connection and tries to perform the update when you are online.

Having an up-to-date virus database and antivirus program is the most certain way to protect your computer.

Virus Chest

The Virus Chest can be thought of as a folder on your disk drive, having special properties that make it a safe, isolated place suitable for storing certain files. You can work with the files in the Chest, though with some security restrictions.

The main properties of the Virus Chest are complete isolation from the rest of the operating system. No outside process, such as a virus, may access the files inside, and the fact that the files inside the Chest may not be run (executable), there is no danger in storing viruses there.

System Integration

avast! antivirus features outstanding integration into your system. A scan can be started directly from Windows Explorer, by clicking a folder or a file with your right mouse button and selecting the corresponding choice from the menu.

A special screen-saver is also provided, that, when running, performs virus scanning. avast! antivirus works together with your favorite screen-saver, so you don't have to change your personal settings to use it.

A new option with this release is the boot-time scan (Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista 32bit only). This important feature allows a user to instigate scanning before a virus is activated, in the case that a virus is suspected to be active on your computer already.

Integrated avast! Virus Cleaner

Since version 4.1, avast! includes the Virus Cleaner, a tool designed for a complete removal of most common infections from already-infected computers. So now is avast! capable even to reliably heal (not only detect) the most common malware

The number of viruses/worms supported by the Virus Cleaner is constantly growing. For the most up-to-date information we suggest to visit Cleaner's own page (for emergency purposes we also offer the Virus Cleaner as a standalone product, capable of running without installed avast).

Support for 64-bit windows

avast! Home/Professional now fully supports the 64-bit Windows platform. ALWIL Software is anticipating massive take-up of this platform, as Windows XP 64-Bit Edition will support up to 32 GB of RAM and 16 TB of virtual memory, enabling applications to run faster when working with large data sets. Applications can preload substantially more data into virtual memory, allowing rapid access by the 64-bit extensions of the processor. This reduces the time for loading data into virtual memory or seeking, reading, and writing to data storage devices, making applications run faster and more efficiently.

Regular (32-bit) antivirus applications are unable to operate correctly on the 64-bit Windows platform because they rely on 32-bit kernel-mode drivers. The new avast! uses native 64-bit drivers, delivering the same level of protection as in the 32-bit Windows environments. The installation package is the same for 32-bit and 64-bit versions - the setup program automatically detects the operating system it is running on, and installs all necessary files. You may find more information on avast! Antivirus and Windows x64 Edition page.


Commitment to internationalization is one of the key benefits of avast!. During the last 2 years, avast! has been translated to a number of languages and the latest version added additional language modules. Currently the list of supported languages is: English, Bulgarian, Chinese (both Simplified and Traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish.

Free antivirus - avast! 4 Home Edition Download

avast! Home Edition is now free of charge for HOME users for NON-COMMERCIAL use. You can find more information here. If you are not a home user, or you use your computer for profit, the avast! Home Edition is not licensed for such use, and you are asked to use the commercial version-avast! Professional Edition.

by avast